WOMB BLESSING PUJA, August Full Moon Ceremony - 29. August, 2015 at YOMAD FESTIVAL, CROATIA


Preparation for The Womb Blessing Puja, Friday, 28th of August, 2015
Full Moon Ceremony: Womb Blessing Puja – Embodiment of The Divine, 29th of August, 2015

with Isidora Popović & Suzana Grau

Dear Sisters and Mothers of Creation!

We Invite you to take Your sit within a Circle of Women. We are opening a space of honouring, nurturing and inspiration. We will share two amazing days in Ceremonies  dedicated to our SACRED TEMPLE – WOMB.  

We will enter through the Sacred Gateway, YONI, the Seat of the absolute Divine Presence and Power. We will invoke Her transformation, restoring, awakening and empowerment.

It is time that all Women regain Divinity and inner strength by returning the Womb to its original nature.

We will share stories, sing holy mantras and worship the Divine Goddess - which lives within all of us, for the Highest good of all Creation.
During those days you'll be invited to explore Your Goddess Nature and how can You help remodel the World we live in. It is Feminine energy that Invites and Restores the cosmic balance. It is Your Energy that restores cosmic balance.

It is time for all of Us to regain our true nature for the benefit of Mother Earth and All Creation.

DAY ONE: Women Circle of Honouring. Preparing Body and Womb to receive the Full Moon Blessing.1' This is a unique circle that can be taken individually.  You can join for one circle or dive into both days. As you feel. It is recommended thou that you take both days in case you are joining WOMB BLESSING PUJA.

-        Honouring and Preparing body to receive the Blessing 
-       Connecting with The Mother Earth 
-       Woman Sharing
-       Womb Sound & Singing
-      Dance

Duration of the Ceremony, approx. 4 hours.

This Circle is an offering based on a Donation. You are welcome to donate in accordance with your feelings and ability.

Join us in meeting and accepting all aspects we have as Women! 

International Gathering of Circles 2013, Poland © Suzana Grau 

'Embodiment of The Divine'  
1Puja: is the act of showing reverence to a god, a spirit, or another aspect of the divine through invocations, prayers, songs, and rituals. An essential part of puja for the Hindu devotee is making a spiritual connection with the Divine.

 Fire Altar © Suzana Grau

DAY TWO; Today we dive deeper into our Sacred Temple – WOMB. Womb is a Temple of Life. From Here we give Birth to Ourselves. From here we give Birth to Projects. From here we give Birth to Children. We will perform Womb Puja that will restore and awaken our Feminine energies.

Womb is the light generator of the body and the creator of Joy. When she is clear and activated we connect with the full unbounded expression of life, that embraces male and female consciousness.

Within our Wombs are memories of Seven Generations of Ancestors, within our Wombs are the possibilities of The Future Generations. Here lies our responsibility  and power.

What World do we want to Give Birth to?

When we have a Womb that is clear of any past trauma, when she becomes a Golden Chalice we have a Womb that responsibly Births next Generations. When Women regain divinity and inner strength Mother Earth heals and rises Her Vibration. For we are Her extention…

Those are exciting times of Evolution. And We are co-creating this with Men. It takes our full commitment. We will explore our relations and how can they be remodeled.

Sacred Temple

Within the Living Goddess Tradition, Women are the embodiment of Adthi-Para-Shakti on Earth. Women are born in the image of the Great Goddess of creation, as She continues the act of creation on Earth.

For a Woman to return to her natural self  the Womb has to be purified and inner harmony has to be restored.

CEREMONY:  We will use mantras and sounds that connects us with our Inner Guru. Those mantras and sounds invoke the energy that cleanses past karma and negativity from our Womb. They also balance and activate both sides of the body.
We will journey with sound, prayers and visualizations that will restore Yoni energy and Her Wisdom. We will have a burning Fire inside of the Earth - this will be our Altar – a place of transformation, power and love.

WHAT TO BRING:  Bring your personal object of Beauty and Strenght (crystals, cards, drum,..) Bring anything you want to offer to the Fire. Also bring some flowers for The Altar decoration.

There will be a time after the Ceremony for SISTER UNION and CELEBRATION. Please bring some nutritious vegetarian / vegan food to share in The Circle. ©

Duration of the Ceremony, approx. 4 hours.

Your Contribution for this Ceremony is based on a DONATION.  Contribute according to your ability. Thank You.

This Ceremony will be guided by two beautiful Women, whose Paths connected on the wings of Love and Service to Life.

Isidora Popovic  was born 09.06.1991 in Croatia. She is a young and creative Mother - always full of joy and strenght to create something beautiful and new. She spent 3 years in nature, activating her full potential as a Creative and Empowered Woman. She helped co-creating community space for people to express their inner talents and children education in nature.

Now she is ready to share her experiences in worshiping and living Embodiment of a Divine Woman. She founds it important to raise consciousness about Feminine Principle.

Isidora is inspired to co-create a new healing space in Istria, a  space for Ceremonies  and proper education about children's nature and creative workshops for adults.

Suzana Grau  is Founder and Visionary Creator at ALUNA TEMPLE 'Birthing Dream Seeds to Life. She offers inspiring and transformative journeys that embody her love for Ceremony, storytelling, singing, dancing, women's mysteries, re-connection with Earth and care for All Life! 

She lived for 13 Moons in Australia and New Zealand where she started a Project Red Tents of The World, offering Women Circles and bringing Women Mysteries to Communities (2012).           

She is co-creator of The Divine Femme Blooming Community 'Slavic Sisters Inspiring'.
While in Australia, she received an honorary acknowledgement 'European Ambassadress For Culture and Healing' by Tribal Royal Society International.

Suzana co-created several Gatherings, among them International Gathering of Circles – an annual Gathering in Poland dedicated to The Birth of The New World (2014).

She is a writer and editor of an online ALUNA TEMPLE MAGAZINE. 

She has been offering Circles in Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Austria and Slovenia where she regularly holds Women Circles, Gatherings and  Individual Ceremonies.

Please contact us if this Ceremony calls you:
Isidora; motherpearl20@gmail.comor 00385/95-528-11-64
Suzana; alunatemple@gmail.com

DIVINE FEMME BLOOMING 'Slavic Women Inspiring'

'Divine Femme Blooming Sisters, Spring Gathering, 2015' by Nataša Horvat

Divine Femme Blooming was born out of a Vision of an incredible Woman - Taja Albolena. 

Initially 13 Slavic Women from Slovenia gathered for an Online Series 'RAZCVET ŽENSKE'. We came from All Walks of Life to share Stories, Journeys, Inspiration, Wisdom and Grace from Our Basket of Life. We Gathered to Inspire Women of This Land to Blossom - to Shine like Stars!

Circle of Women sharing our curiosity, wisdom, love, strength, tenderness, dreams and Visions. Opening The Path to Co-Creation...

Women Co-creation! 

The series launched in August 2014 and it was beautifuly received. Women wrote letters of Gratitude - how it Inspired and Moved them...

It felt natural to expand and offer a WOMEN's GATHERING. 

The very first Slovene Woman's Gathering was held in the idyllic location of Bled on 8th of November 2014. This Circle was jointly created by a group of women behind the Razcvet Ženske / Divine Femme Blooming Community and was further enriched by those Women who Entered The Door as Participants only to merge into the Circle and became its Co-creators!

Divine Femme Blooming Community

Andreja Cepus, Manca Razboršek, Gaia Asta, Vesna Hostnik, Andrejka Harej, 
Ksenija Malia Leban, Suzana GrauMartina Vrhovnik and Taja Albolena.

We are Growing and Supporting each other on the Way. Learning with each Gathering what it means to co-create, to see, to hear each other. We are dancing through challenges with humor and respect and celebrating victories as they come....  

Queens Uniting for the Benefit of ALL! 

Suzana Grau & Taja Albolena
Sending Intention of Co-Creation and Blossoming to The World 

* * * *

Connect with Us:

Novičke iz Aluna Templja: RECI ŽIVLJENJU DA!

Vsako Potovanje je Romanje k Sebi...
Škorpijonovo Svetišče (Kautzen, Austria)
Tree of Life Festival: ScorpionPlatz (Kautzen, Avstrija)

Ljubi moji...

še 17 noči me loči od LONG DANCE OBREDA!  To bo moj tretji ples in moram reči, da imam kurjo polt, ko Vam pišem. Vem kakšna Moč je v tem Obredu. 72 ur plesa in molitve. 72 ur plešemo in molimo Zase, za Dobrodelno Ustanovo ali Posameznike, ki jih sponzoriramo in za Svet. Dobrodelni del je ključnega pomena saj nas 'spomni' na povezanost in odgovornost, ki jo imamo do sveta - vsak od nas se zaveže da bo podaril vsaj £300,00 dobrodelni ustanovi ali posameznikom. Vsako leto tako zberemo/podarimo okoli £40,000, v šestih letih pa okoli £250,00!


Ko sem pred štirimi leti plesala se nisem zavedala moči Namere, Molitve in Predaje. Postavila sem visoko Namero ne vedoč, da bo življenje kot sem ga poznala odplesalo za vedno. Lahko rečem le, da sem se nekaj mesecev po Obredu upirala spremembi, temu kar mi je Življenje želelo podariti, upirala spuščanju kontrole in Poti v Neznano... in rekla ja, šele, ko ni bilo več druge Izbire, ko me je lepo opralo - PRISTALA DA SPREJMEM KAR SEM PLESALA - MOLILA. Hja, humorni del Življenja, Neznano in Sprejemanje:) 

Opazujem kaj se dogaja od trenutka, ko sem se odločila, da grem plesat. Opazujem darila in blagoslove prisotne v mojem življenju, opazujem izzive, ki jih prinašajo ljudje in vsakdan, opazujem KAKO SE DOTIKAM VAŠIH ŽIVLJENJ, kaj DELIM z vami in kakšne so povratne informacije.

Pred dnevi sem se vrnila iz festivala 'TREE OF LIFE' v Kautznu, Avstriji. Festival je bil posvečen 
Zgodbam in Zapuščini, ki jih predajamo prihodnjim Generacijam. Moja delavnica je bila posvečena PRIPRAVI MATERNICE NA ZAVESTNO SPOČETJE IN POROD. Globoko smo potovale, čistile in pripravljale prostor, mehčale naša telesa, se odpirale, jokale nad preteklimi izgubami, sprejemale, se še bolj odpirale, smejale in pustile, da se Življenje izrazi skozi nas. Sprejemale Povabilo, da rečemo Življenju da. 

                                                                                                     Love - Ljubezen (Avstrija)

ALKIMIJA MATERNICE je prav to - POVABILO, DA PRIPRAVIŠ PROSTOR, DA SE ŽIVLJENJE RODI - IZRAZI SKOZI TEBE. Srečanje je intenziven proces, ki traja 3-4 ure. V tem času potujeva s Tvojo Namero. Kaj kliče k Rojstvu? 

Vabljena, da rezerviraš svoj termin in si daš PRILOŽNOST ZA INTENZIVEN PREMIK na tvoji Poti, ki ga Srečanje prinese!

Kot del GIVE AWAY OBREDA imajo vsa individualna srečanja 15% popust ob enkratnem plačilu. Ponudba velja do srede 17.6. 2015.

                                                                       Photo © Ben Cole ''Gremo na Long Dance Ceremony'' (2011) 
16. junij, 2015 ob 20h

Chuckmal Studio, Brezovica pri Ljubljani

Špela Laela Cvetko: igralka gongov, izjemna slikarka,  umetnica, 
pesnica, pobudnica Rdečih Šotorov v Arji Vasi, popotnica z Velikim Srcem, ki pogumno jadra z ustvarjalnim tokom Življenja.

051 31 21 77

Zvočna kopel na Cvetkolandu, Arja vas pri Žalcu

Vabljeni na individualno čiščenje telesa, aure in duha z zelišči, jajcem, tobakom in kopalom - smolo svetega drevesa v Mehiki. Bistvo individualnega čiščenje z zelišči je, da iz fizičnega telesa odstranijo negativno energijo in ga zaščitijo pred negativnimi energijami. Kopal in zelišča čistijo notranje nivoje, tobak pa povezuje z duhovnimi vodniki in duhom našega Stvarnika.
Individualna čiščenja, ki trajajo okoli 1,5 ure bo izvajala Sanke Wesna.

Sanke Wesna, se je rodila v Mariboru, kjer je sprva delala kot direktorica svojega lastnega podjetja. 

Njeno pot Zdravilke je prebudila bolezen in jo vodila v globlje razumevanje sebe, vzorcev in sveta, ter v njej prebudila Željo in Namero delati v dobrobit Zemlje in ljudi. Pretekla 3 leta je veliko časa preživela v Peruju in Mehiki, kjer se je pri avtohtonih zdravilcih Oscar Peno Vasqueza - Kesymano in Reshin Wesna - Eliza Vargaz Fernandez, iz plemena Shipibo, učila zdravljenja s svetimi rastlinami in zdravilnimi metodami; le-te vsebujejo delo z energijami, različnimi dietami in zdravilnimi rastlinami. 
Je ustanoviteljica društva ISIS, katerega poslanstvo je varovanje in podpora življenja. 
070 13 37 65
Sončen pozdrav,
Suzana Grau je ustanoviteljica in vizionarka ALUNA TEMPLJA v katerem kreira in vodi navdihnjena popotovanja in delavnice namenjena opolnomočenju Žensk in dobrobiti Zemlje.
Po izobrazbi diplomirana igralka, po srcu ustvarjalka, sanjalka, raziskovalka in  popotnica. Je predana soustvarjalka Razcveta Ženske, voditeljica Rdečih Šotorov in urednica angleške spletne revije Aluna Temple Magazine. 

Keep the Fire Burning!
Živi svoje Darove in Življenje v Polnosti!

© Suzana Grau
Founder, Visionary and Artistic Creator at ALUNA TEMPLE
'Birthing Dream Seeds to Life!'

''I am committed to BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU! To support growth of your Dream Seeds, to inspire your light to Shine even brighter. World needs you! World needs Your Love, your Wisdom and Your Stand. LET'S WEAVE this thread around the globe for the BENEFIT OF ALL LIFE!''