Beloved Ones...

The thread for this ONLINE MAGAZINE started as a Dream, a Wish to Share all The Gifts, Stories and Treasures from my 13 Moon Journey in the Southern Hemisphere. Our PREMIERE edition dedicated to 'THE POWER OF CIRCLES' aired as Aluna Temple Newsletter, but it soon became apparent there is much more to be Born and Shared out of this Dream, out of  this Wish.

This became a Vision to Bridge Hemispheres, to Connect people I've met on The Way and create a Magazine that will Inspire Your Fire, Your Dreaming and Your Action! A Magazine of Inspiration, Consciousness and Wisdom. 

I heard themes that wanted to be EXPLORED and Authors from All Walks of Life Joined to Share their Wisdom, their Path, Their Vision. 

So far we explored themes dediacted to 'HONOURING LIFE', 'INITIATIONS', 'BRIDGES' and 'ALCHEMY'.  Upcoming edition is dedicated to the 'SACRED SERVICE'. 

Links supports computer reading only!

May They Inspire your Fire, your Dreaming, your Action!

If  you feel like supporting and being part of this Journey please write to

All Love,


Our Winter Solstice Gift for You... 
Aluna Temple Magazine dedicated to the Sacred ALCHEMY.

14 Authors gathered to Birth this Edition. 7 Women & 7 Men from both Hemispheres came together to Give Birth on Solstice Eve.

We Judith Tripp (USA), Anthony Abbagnano (Bali), Sylvain Méret (France), 
Adam Barley (UK), Marlene Butler (New Zealand), 
Leanne Edwards (Bali), Shankari (Bali), Willy Triest (Belgium), 
Michail Fan Anurag (Greece), Tadeja Jakop Hodaya (Slovenia), 
Amber Hartnell (Hawaii) and Suzana Grau (Slovenia) 
explored Alchemy through Breath, Dance, Sacred Sexuality, Singing, 
Walking the Land, Colour and DANCING with Trust this Sacred Labyrinth that Life is...

Enjoy the Journey through   ...

Our Summer Solstice Gift for You... 
Aluna Temple Magazine dedicated to the 'BRIDGES'

Authors Donna Raymond (Australia), Trista Hendren (Oregon), 
Laura Valenti (Italy)Caroline Carey (UK), 
Willy Triest  (Belgium), Taja Albolena (Slovenia), 
Francene Hart (Big Island of Hawaii), Irena Urankar (Slovenia), 
Christina Fire-Mane Honey-Voice Charley (Australia),  
Nina Paludan-Müller (Denmark), Ya'Acov Darling Khan (UK), 
 Dr. R. Manivannan B.A.M.S. (Slovenia) and  Suzana Grau (Slovenia) 
shared their insights on Bridges we Cross in Life.

Inspiration behind Bridges Edition:
Bridge behind BRIDGES

Our 3rd edition dedicated to the power, wisdom and importancy of  'INITIATIONS'

By Meg Goodmanson

It will not always feel good.
This growing.

This stretching beyond the boundaries of the known,
The comfortable.

It will not always feel safe,
This learning and relearning of your own abilities.

This reexamining of beliefs    
This pushing of envelopes
This breaking through enclosing walls.

You will shiver.
You will doubt.
You will want to run home.

Back behind walls of safety.

This walk to the edge will not
Feel good, safe, or comfortable,
But there is no faster way to learn.
There is no other way to grow.

So step out.

Leave your home base
Your comfort zone
Your cocoon

Acknowledge the fear and discomfort

But step out all the same.

With each step you take,
Your world expands

Your caterpillar mind will
Strain to comprehend the unbounded vastness of the sky.

Step out. Step…step…step.

Graced with AMAZING & INSIGHTFUL contributions from

Wilbert Alix (Texas), Sandra Louise Walsh (UK), Amma SophiaRose (Hawaii), 
Yugal Kisor (Slovenia), Katie Player (UK), James Tree - Gilmore,
 Tanna Jakubowicz-Mount (Poland), Cheryl Hart & Sitting Owl (Australia),
Jasmin Starrchild (BC), Shushann Movsessian  (Australia), 
Jamie Catto (UK), Zoë Bicât (UK), Daša Lakner (Slovenia), 
Antonia Green  (Australia), Fernando Itzcóatl (Mexico) 
 and Suzana Grau (Slovenia).

May they support and inspire your transitions.

Our Equinox Gift for You... 

Aluna Temple Magazine dedicated to 'HONOURING LIFE'

Sinnead O'Connor & Armand Amar

Just as two breaths become one breath.
As two whispers become a cry.
Miracle before us lies.
The glory of a new-born child.
These half-closed eyes already see.
Looking without looking within.
A testament of truth before, before our eyes.
The glory of a new-born child.
This place, where life's long path begins.
If they be princes, queens, or kings.
Laid helpless here at mother's side.
The glory of a new-born child

Gift of Life through eyes of our contributors

DeAnna L'am (CA), Kesty Jakes (UK), Peruquois (Portugal),
Abril Mondragon (New Mexico), Dorota Trupp (Australia),
Melissa Shemanna (Australia), Kelley Rosano (Colorado),
Suzana Grau (Slovenia) and Drew Dellinger.

~ Dave Chief, Oglala Lakota ~

The Circle has healing power.
In the Circle, we are all equal.

When in the Circle, no one is in front of you.
No one is behind you.
No one is above you.
No one is below you.

The Sacred Circle is designed to Create Unity.
The Hoop of Life is also a Circle.

On this hoop there is a place for every species, every race, every tree and every plant.
It is this completeness of Life that must be respected in order to bring about health on this planet.

This Circle was Created with Patrycja Art (Scotland/Poland), Luke Anderson (Australia), Kevin James - Carroll (Bali), Abril Mondragon (New Mexico), Antonia Green (Australia), Fernando Itzcóatl (Mexico), Kelley Rosano (Colorado), Datu Lanelio Sangocan (Philippines), Chanel Baran (Australia) and Suzana Grau (Slovenia).

© Suzana Grau
Founder, Visionary and Artistic Creator at 
'Birthing Dream Seeds to Life!' 

''I am committed to BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU! To support growth of your Dream Seeds, to inspire your light to Shine even brighter. World needs you! World needs Your Love, your Wisdom and Your Stand. LET'S WEAVE this thread around the globe for the BENEFIT OF ALL LIFE!''


Novice in Vabila iz Aluna Templja, NOVEMBER

Ljube Ženske,
sopotnice in soustvarjalke RAZCVETA ŽENSKE!

Naše Srečanje na Bledu še odmeva, 30 ženskih Src se je zbralo in Popotovalo skozi Pomlad, Poletje, Jesen in Zimo naše Ženske Esence. 
Delile smo Zgodbe Naših Življenj, Smeh in Solze. 
Izzive in Navdihe. 

30 Žensk se je povezalo v Krog Lepote, Nege, Senzualnosti, Opuščanja, Modrosti in Soustvarjanja.


Lahko se le priklonim pred Vsem kar se je Rodilo in kar se še Poraja.

Vem, da ustvarjamo Novo Paradigmo. Paradigmo kjer se Ženske podpiramo v Rasti in Razcvetu! 
Paradigmo kjer nas Sij druge Navdihne in Spodbudi, da si tudi me dovolimo Sijati.

Hvala Vam!

Ženski Krogi spreminjajo naše zgodbe, nas negujejo in kažejo čudovita Zrcala. 

V nadaljevanju meseca se bomo Srečale 
v dveh Ženskih Krogih, 
v Brežicah 15.11. 2014 in v Slovenj Gradcu 22.11. 2014. 

V času menstruacije ali prazne lune so Vrata med svetovi najtanjša. Ženska v tem času potuje med Svetovi, njen dostop do Božanskega je ojačan, njena Zavest je razširjena. V tem času ima priložnost opustiti kar jo ne podpira več, pripraviti prostor za nova rojstva in prisluhniti uvidom, ki so pomembne za njeno dobrobit in dobrobit njene skupnosti.

Pregovor ameriških staroselcev pravi 
'Če želiš uničiti skupnost, uniči Moonlodge',

zato je izjemno pomembno, da si ta čas vzamemo za nego, ter si dovolimo izstopiti iz svojih vlog. 

To je naš  POSVEČEN ČAS iz katerega črpamo moč za mesec, ki prihaja.
Če si dovolimo vzeti ta čas, bo prihajajoči mesec bogatejši in se bomo lažje soočale z izzivi, ki nam jih prinaša življenje. 


15.11. 2014

in prisluhu, ter negovanju tega kar se želi RODITI SKOZI NAS.

PRIJAVE pri Petri, 
040 227 551 

* * * * *

22.11. 2014

 To bo naše prvi Krog v Slovenj Gradcu.  
Srečanje bo posvečeno Negi Ženske Esence in Modrosti Cikličnosti.  

PRIJAVE pri Silviji Paar, 
040- 436 - 857 

* * * * *

ALKIMIJI MATERNICEindividualnem trimesečnem popotovanju, se spustimo še globlje v proces preoblikovanja energij, ki so v Vaši Maternici 
in poglobimo povezovanje z Našo Žensko Esenco. 

Alkimija Maternice je intenziven program namenjen ženskam, ki želijo prevzeti moč in odgovornost za spremembo v svojem življenju, ki želijo videti kje se energija ustavlja in je pripravljena so-kreirati proces preobrazbe. V tem času Vas spremljam, usmerjam v Nameri, da PREOBLIKUJETE kar Vas ne podpira več, ter podpiram, da OJAČATE vaše potenciale in kreativno moči.  

PODROBNOSTI IN PRIJAVE...                                   

                              * * * * *

Vabim Vas tudi na POGOVORNI VEČER: DUŠNA POPOTOVANJA. Pogovor bo Vodila pisateljica Mateja Hana Hočevar. Druženje bo potekalo v ponedeljek 17. novembra ob 19h Knjižnici Jožeta Mazovca v Mostah. 

                            * * * * *

Ljuba Ženska, morda Te kaj od zgornjega Navdihne in se naše Poti srečajo. Če meniš, da bi kaj od tega prineslo Dobrobit, Navdih ali Spodbudo komu iz Tvojega kroga sem HVALEŽNA, da  posreduješ naprej.

Naj bo Tvoje Popotovanje skozi Jesen nežno in naj ti Pomaga opustiti kar te ne podpira več in razkrije ŽETEV, BLAGOSLOVE in DARILA letošnjega leta.

* * * * * 

POPOTOVANJA vodi SUZANA GRAU, ustanoviteljica ALUNA TEMPLJA, Evropska ambasadorka za kulturo in zdravljenje, diplomirana igralka, ter urednica spletne revije ALUNA TEMPLE MAGAZINE. 

Če še nisi imela priložnosti me lahko spoznaš skoz intervju, ki smo ga posnele za spletno serijo Razcvet Ženske:

Do skorajšnjega snidenja,

s hvaležnostjo in milino,

Suzana Grau 

'Birthing Dream Seeds to Life!' 
Visionary and Artistic Creator Suzana Grau

''I am committed to BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU! To support growth of your dream seeds, to inspire your light to Shine even brighter. World needs you! World needs Your Love, your  Wisdom and Your Stand. LET'S WEAVE  this thread around the globe for the BENEFIT OF ALL LIFE!''